Body Mind Harmony
Monica Heuser
Advanced Integrative Energy Healing™ & Holistic Health Practitioner

Health and Healing

The idea of being healthy and well as the optimal state for each person to live his or her life in is a universal belief. The reality is that there is no one who is not affected by illness at one time or another throughout his or her life. Illnesses can be physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual. The holistic aspect of energy based healing is that it affects the person as a whole being therefore it can work on all these aspects of the cause of illness.

The goal is to bring the client back into a state of balance in all these areas of their life.


Relief from pain, release from stress, clarity of thought, and connection to your inner wisdom, pre and post surgery duress, helps when conventional routes are not helping. Energy based therapy can be greatly helpful during times of great sorrow as well as times of high anxiety. During the treatment for cancer it has been remarkable for lessening the harsh side effects of anti cancer drugs.

Clients have enjoyed great relief from allergy symptoms and quicker healing of wounds with energy based therapy.

Complimenting Conventional Therapy

Energy based therapy can help a patient facing a dental appointment or visit to the hospital be more calm and less anxious about work or upcoming surgery. When the patient is in a calm and relaxed state the procedure will run more smoothly and there will be less trauma to the body. A treatment after surgery will help clear the anesthetic out of the system and support the benefit from any medications needed post surgery. In this area it is a wonderful compliment to conventional medicine. Recovery is sped up and the patient is out of the hospital feeling positive about their procedure.

Awaken Amazing You!
Call Monica Today!