Body Mind Harmony
Monica Heuser
Advanced Integrative Energy Healing™ & Holistic Health Practitioner

What is Integrative Energy Healing?

It is a collection of healing techniques and skills that make use of the abundance of the universal life force all around us to facilitate a healing response. With gentle focused breathing and appropriate dialogue, the client is able enter into a deep relaxed state. It is in this state that their body is able to begin to come back into balance. A healthy repatterning of physiological systems, that may have been compromised by life’s challenges becomes established, allows the client to begin the healing journey. In this way the client is actually doing the healing work with the guidance of the practitioner.

View the Integrative Energy Healing Code of Ethics

What happens during a session

Energy based healing has also been called "hands-on healing", although it is also offered without touch. The client lies on a table (clothed) and removes their shoes and glasses. The therapist begins by encouraging the client to breath gently and deeply, and then depending on the focus of the session, the practitioner begins by assessing the client’s energy field by sweeping her hands over the client’s body (at a height of 3-6 inches), feeling for areas of difference. From this assessment and information from the client, the practitioner may be working with the client and their energy field to release tension and pain from the body. Usually the practitioner puts her hands on joints and places of pain to help the client identify the possible causes of the pain and to release held pain. The sessions are usually about 1 hour but can take longer. After the session the client will feel better and more relaxed. The clients’ mood will usually be lighter after a session.

Awaken Amazing You!
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